Rainwater Harvesting is the on-site management of rainwater and stormwater run-off for beneficial use. Practices are universally applicable, from a quarter-acre urban lot to a 600-acre rural farm. Strategies for rainwater harvesting vary by region, but all share the purpose of hydrating local landscapes, especially where human development has led to increased run-off and dehydration of the soil.
Craig, E., Coombes, P., et al. (2008). “Rainwater Tanks and Microbial Water Quality: Are the Indications Clear?” Australian Journal of Water Resources 12(2).
Dolman, B. (2012). Watershed 2.0: Re-thinking and retrofitting for resilience. Tedx Talks.
Eroksuz., E., Rahman, A. (2010). “Rainwater tanks in multi-unit buildings: A case study for three Australian cities.”Resources, Conservation, & Recycling 54(12): 1449-1452.
Fletcher, T., Deletic, A., et al (2008). “Reuse of Urban Runoff in Australia: A Review of Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges.” (PDF) (116 pp, 784K Journal of Environmental Quality 37(5 Suppl): 116-27.
Houdeshel, C.D., Pomeroy, C.A., Hair, L., & Moeller, J. (2011). Cost-estimating tools for low-impact development. Best management practices: Challenges, limitations, and implications. Journal of Irrigation Drainage Engineering, 137: 183-189.
Jones, M.P. and W.F. Hunt. (2010). “Performance of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the Southeastern United States.”Resources, Conservation & Recycling 54:623-629.
MacAdam, J. (2012). Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods. Watershed Management Group, V1.2.
Steffen, J., Herriman, M., Pomeroy, C., & Burian, S. (2013). Water Supply and Stormwater Management Benefits of Residential Rainwater Harvesting in U.S. Cities, 49(4): 810-824.